AntiLoop – a climate tool for children and youth
AntiLoop is a digital tool designed and developed for children and youth. Using data from IoT sensors placed around and inside schools, students get insight into how daily behavior and activities affect the climate around them
How can we create a dialogue about climate data in a way that engages young people? How can air quality, CO2 emissions, electricity and food waste be made fun while also adding value in the classroom?
The challenge
It’s difficult to understand the correlation between daily activities and climate footprint. Most of us know, and understand, why we shouldn’t throw garbage on the street or plastic in the ocean. But in order to reach the goals for a livable climate, we need to do a lot more than just recycling plastic – we need to change our daily habits and behaviours. But, what if we started building good habits at a much earlier age? Then maybe the changes needed wouldnt feel as invasive or challenging.
About AntiLoop
AntiLoop aims at breaking the continuous loop by introducing fun and understandable local climate data to school children. We want to help the next generation have a closer and more realistic relationship between their daily behaviour and the impact it has on the world around them. Click to visit
AntiLoop enables school children to engage directly with climate data fetched from IoT sensors placed in classrooms, playgrounds and other areas around the school. Both teachers and students can interact with real-time data monitoring Co2 levels, air particles, food-waste, sound level, production from solar panels and much more. To make it fun and engaging, you can also compare the data from day to day, with the class next door or with a different school.
“Before, I was stressed that the food would run out if I didn’t take a lot on my plate during the first round. Now, I think about food waste and try not to be the reason we have a lot of food waste. The food doesn’t run out.” – elementary student
“It’s nice to put the math book aside sometimes and work with real numbers, things we actually need to know.” – elementary student
(Video in Swedish. Subtitles in any language are available via Youtbue settings)
Practical and scalable
Scalability is an important factor in this project. We want it to be easy for schools to add new sensors, and for new schools to use the tool. The admin panel is also designed to be frill-free, so that teachers can easily create their own dashboards using the widgets and sensors available. It only takes a few minutes to create custom visualizations based on the data you want to present or discuss with the students.
We see that using real-time and local data provides a whole new experience and understanding of the climate footprint. With the tool, students and teacher can spend their mornings monitoring how the increase in traffic has a direct impact on the air quality outside their school. But fun and pretty cool!
What now?
The MVP is finalized in September 2023, and is thereafter implemented in 10 schools across the Helsingborg municipality in Sweden. So far, we have seen great results while testing and researching together with the municipality and the test-schools involved.
Our dream is that AntiLoop becomes a climate learning tool used by schools all over the world!
“I now see how the air changes in the classroom during the day. Sometimes, I ask the teacher to open a window when I’m tired and see that the readings are high on Antiloop.” – elementary student
“Antiloop is easy to understand; I have shown and explained it to mom and dad at home.” – elementary student
(Above: Podcast in Swedish)
(Video in Swedish. Subtitles in any language are available via Youtbue settings)
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