Innocode is the digital advisor and technical development partner in the Green Producers project (by aiming to calculate and reduce the CO2 emission from film,TV, festival and stage productions in the Scandinavian marked.
Why Green Producers Tool?
The UN climate report is a brutal but necessary awakening and we must all act now!
Based on the Paris Agreement , Norway has also pledge to reduce CO2 emissions with 50% by 2030. If we plan to reach that goal there is no time to waste.
From an idea to a digital tool
With support from the Norwegian Science Council, Innocode together with Babusjka, Øyafestivalen, Den Norske Opera & Ballett, Strix, CICERO and Virke have been a part of developing Green Producers Tool, from Babusjka´s idea to a digital tool.
Hear Mads from Green Producers Club and Olga from Yulieta / Innocode talk about the project in this webinar:
«We are excited to be a part of a community that is working so hard towards a common goal: making a positive sustainability impact. The engagement and enthusiasm from all the stakeholders, including the industry experts, is very inspiring and motivating. Together, we have really created a product that makes a positive impact.»
Olga Vasiuk, Delivery Manager | Project Manager

Green Producers Tool
Innocode has designed and developed the digital solution for Green Producers Tool, a web based tool that guides producers and other users thought the process of logging and calculating CO2 emissions of their productions. By logging activities and emission factors you get instructions on how to create a greener production as well as a detailed report showing the total emission of your entire production. And that is just the beginning!
The goal for Green Producers Tool is to become the market standard for measuring and logging CO2 emissions in the culture sector across Scandinavia.
Read more about Green Producers tool here.
Project partners:

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AntiLoop – a climate tool for children and youth
AntiLoop is a digital tool designed and developed for children and youth. Using data from IoT sensors placed around and inside schools, students get insight into how daily behavior and activities affect the climate around them.

Let’s make something amazing together
Yulieta / Stockholm
c/o The Park Forskaren
Hagaplan 4, plan 2
113 68 Stockholm
+46 70 35 28 210
Yulieta / Oslo
c/o Mesh Community,
Tordenskiolds gate 2,
0160 Oslo, Norway
+46 70 35 28 210
Yulieta / Lviv
Villa Yulietka
Metrolohichna str. 14
79000 Lviv, Ukraine
+380 66 700 49 99
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