Sustainability is about balance between generations

Yulieta. Sustain. Ability.

Yulieta is an initiative by

We always talk about relevance for the end user in the form of communication and services that create resonance. For our clients in terms of creating revenue. For us, through creating solutions that really matter. And nothing matters more than building a sustainable future.

The people

Kjell-Vidar Åhman Teig

Innovation Lead

+46(0)70 35 28 210

Werner Olsen

Head of Smart City

+47 992 55 425

Lova Lekare Graaf

Senior digital advisor

+46 (0)738 369 600

Iryna Nahorna

COO, Tech Team

We can make people want to change through education and communication

To encourage a shift toward a more sustainable lifestyle and culture, it’s crucial to inform and educate people. We must not only give people rational arguments for change, but we also need to move them emotionally. That’s the key to effective communication. We help startups and impact-driven companies drive meaningful progress through strategic and creative service design and innovation. Real change is created by enlightening and educating people, making them want to change themselves.

Kjell-Vidar Åhman Teig, Strategic & Creative Director

We are very happy to have Yulieta as our partner in the development and scaling of the tool.

We are very happy to have Innocode as our partner in the development and scaling of the tool. They challenge and help us understand the functionality needs, which ensures that the development is constructive, and aligned with our users “actual” needs. The Innocode team also has an important role when it comes to improving and scaling the tool, and have become a vital extension of our team.

Mads Rønning
CEO Green Producers Club


Launchpad: pre-project

Turning ideas and hypotheses into a fully-fledged product requires teamwork across disciplines and...

DOGA based workshops

DOGA based workshops

Innovation is essential for any business, driving new and improved processes, tools, products, and...

A faster way to prototyping, testing and building your digital projects.

A faster way to prototyping, testing and building your digital projects.

Traditional custom development projects often have extended development times, and it’s hard to know exactly what you will get before your application is built. And when it’s done, you’ll find that changes and updates are demanding to implement. What if there was an alternative?

We live as we declare

We live as we declare

Our sustainability is manifested in consistent adherence to our values. We live as we declare and...

Let’s make something amazing together

Yulieta / Stockholm

c/o The Park Forskaren
Hagaplan 4, plan 2
113 68 Stockholm

+46 70 35 28 210

Yulieta / Oslo

c/o Mesh Community,
Tordenskiolds gate 2,
0160 Oslo, Norway

+46 70 35 28 210

Yulieta / Lviv

Villa Yulietka
Metrolohichna str. 14
79000 Lviv, Ukraine 
+380 66 700 49 99

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